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Traveling to Taman Nasional Bali Barat that should you visit if come to Bali Island

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Me :)

Bali is wonderful places that every people want to visit, and I'm very lucky because born in Bali, and my holiday on Manis Galungan in this month going to Taman Nasional Bali Barat with my boyfriend. He became my driver and my guide for this traveling. 

We start this adventure from Tukadaya Village (Village = Mura : in Japanese) at 9:00 A.M goes to that place. As I remember, I never visit this place before. So this exhilarate things for me. We are going used motorcycle and it's take about 30 minutes to arrive at this places. 
This view along the way.
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Mountain take from camera phone
Did you know along the way so refreshing because many shady trees, fresher air without pollution right? ^^ and I like very much ^^ and you will see monkeys on the roadside if you are lucky.
I will tell you about this day in Bali, Manis Galungan is the day after Hindu religion celebrate Galungan day. This time usually use to holiday or gather with family. 
Finally, we arrived at Taman Nasional Bali Barat at 9:33 o'clock. My boys registers and pay ticket to entry this area. We pay IDR.20.000 for two peoples who used motorcycle, and different price for car, or peoples who want to pray *inside there have temple named Pura Prapat Agung and Segara Rupek Temple for Hindu religion to pray. 
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view in front of this area, sorry this view isn't took clear
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The ticket pict
Oke we are ready to start this traveling.. let's goooo ^^. To entry this area you will see the junction, if you choose the right side you will see Curik Bird / Jalak Putih the best icon at Jembrana Bali. Because the plan to see white beach so we are choose the left side. Along the way very challenging with  rocky road, and on the road you can see so many monkeys like waiting people give them food, but I'm to scary to see the monkeys, I scared if the monkeys attacked my foot lol ... :D but it's not, they are very humble not attacked and give us through the road. This is really tropical forest that I know and see with my eyes, many kind of trees that I never know the named, just one that I know the name of this tree from my boyfirend, the named is "Santigi" for me just looks tree in general ehe :D. 

 I wanna share the videos of this traveling but on process editing, so waiting on my channel youtube that I will update after this article ^^

Okai... finally this long trips with rocky road we are arrived  at 9:59 a.m, and welcomed with nice beach. Gorgeous beach at Jembrana, Bali.

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so cute and this has on this beach ^^
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no plastic 
The water so clear, and this places like heaven :)
oke for me this trip was amazing, and never forgotten with fabulous places. The weather is cold with the wind blowing on your face.
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Bae and the motorcycle thank you for this exhilarate trips :)
We don't go into the temple, so I can't give you are the picture of the temple, but next time we hope go there and make another story ^^.

Notes: I try to make article in English language, if over there I made a mistake please you can tell me at the comment column, or have any question I will try to give you the best information.
So thank you for visit this blog^^


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