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Showing posts from August, 2019

Bisakah Aku?

1. Meski kini dunia dapat kamu jangkau hanya dalam genggaman, tapi aku merasa tersempitkan. Aku ingin membuka cakrawala dunia, melihat langsung dengan mataku merasakan langsung vibrasi dan kekuatan baik alam mengalir melalui peredaran darahku. 2. Aku ingin bertemu mereka yang mampu membuatku berpikir lebih positif untuk mensyukuri satu kali hidup yang aku dapat ini, agar tidak melukai hatinya. Aku ingin menjadi diriku sendiri. Bahagia atas kehidupan yang telah aku terima

Traveling to Taman Nasional Bali Barat that should you visit if come to Bali Island

Me :) Bali is wonderful places that every people want to visit, and I'm very lucky because born in Bali, and my holiday on Manis Galungan in this month going to Taman Nasional Bali Barat  with my boyfriend. He became my driver and my guide for this traveling.  We start this adventure from Tukadaya Village (Village = Mura  : in Japanese) at 9:00 A.M goes to that place. As I remember, I never visit this place before. So this exhilarate things for me. We are going used motorcycle and it's take about 30 minutes to arrive at this places.  This view along the way. Mountain take from camera phone Did you know along the way so refreshing because many shady trees, fresher air without pollution right? ^^ and I like very much ^^ and you will see monkeys on the roadside if you are lucky. I will tell you about this day in Bali, Manis Galungan is the day after Hindu religion celebrate Galungan day. This time usually use to holiday or gather with family.  Finally,